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To compare the features included in each of our packages, take a look at our plans comparison table.

No Forced Advertising
You don't want someone else advertising on YOUR site! With World Wide Web Hosts Net, you'll never have forced advertising on your site. Never.

Setup Fee
There is none! One of the unique things about World Wide Web Hosts Net is that we will not charge you for setup fees on new accounts.

Control Panel
The control panel is a standard feature of every account. It gives you the capability to manage all aspects of your account in order to make the best use of your options. By the click of a mouse, you can administer your webspace, your email accounts, your directories, your cgi-bin, and all the special features that we offer you, such as site statistics and shopping carts. You can even add additional features to your account right when you need them. With this extraordinary tool you do not only gain control, but also the flexibility to make changes within your time frame and according to your particular needs.

The Control Panel is available in English, German, French and Spanish.

We provide a FREE control panel manual to teach you how to use each of these features.

Test drive one now...

Live Control Panel
username - demowww
password - demo

WebMail - Web-based Email
WebMail unburdens you and your users from your PC and allows you to check your email from any computer with just a browser and an Internet connection! All the email users under your domain name will be able to send, receive, delete, and compose email with this user-friendly, web-based program - only available from World Wide Web Hosts Net! Resellers: Note that all of your reseller accounts also have access to WebMail, completely anonymous!

FTP Access
If you choose to create your website using HTML or web site creation software such as PageMill, or Dreamweaver, we offer FTP access with all account packages. To upload your files, you will need a FTP (File Transfer Protocol) program. We suggest using the shareware programs CuteFTP for the PC and Fetch for the Mac. Please note that you need to be logged in on your Internet Service Provider to connect to your site with FTP.

Email Addresses
Our email addresses are very flexible. You can set them up as POP3 boxes which store mail, email aliases which redirect mail to another box, or as autoresponders. You have unlimited email forwarding.

Disk Space (MB)
One MB of disk space can hold several web pages or images. Most sites use between 5 and 50MB of disk space depending on what you offer. Our Plans offer 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 or 300MB. Enough to expand without the worry of running out of room.

Data Transfer
This is the amount of network traffic related to your domain. Most sites have less than 500MB of traffic per month.

Subdomains or third level names (you.domain.com), are available with all our accounts (check the Control Panel link above)

True Domain Name
Each of our web sites comes with its very own domain name that you decide. So, for example, the name of the web site might be www.securebiz.com, or www.makemoney.cc. A true domain is when you get your very own unique IP address on the web server. Many hosts offer 'fake virtual' domain accounts, which means they fool most browsers into redirecting themselves to the correct directory on the server. This method only works with certain browsers, is not full featured and is not a professional solution.

File Manager
The File Manager is a very powerful feature. It allows you to manipulate all the files in your web site. You are able to create, delete, and move your files. You can also upload files from your local PC to the server in File Manager. Plus, you can edit the HTML in any of your files from this option. Everything you need to manage your site can be found in this feature.

Archive Manager
The Archive Manager will allow the user to backup and compress their files. For example, if you have a number of files for which you wish to keep a backup, you can select all the files, then create a backup file that contains all of them in compressed format.

FTP is used to upload and download files. Almost all site design programs like Adobe Pagemill, Macromedia Dreamweaver, GoLive HotDog, Allaire HomeSite, CyberStudio, HotMetal Pro, Netscape Communicator and NetObjects Fusion use FTP to maintain your site.

Many users are not at all familiar with telnet and just as many do not need to use it. Telnet allows you to get a shell on our Linux servers. The implementation of telnet that we use is called SSH. To use telnet (SSH), we require the user to send us a fax with a copy of their photo ID requesting SSH. Users also need an RSA Key entered in the control panel in order to access it. We also require the user to use SSH software.

Frontpage Extensions
Frontpage is a Microsoft page creation tool that requires special server extensions to function properly. All packages come with these extensions. This feature is activated through your control panel.
A lot of the Control Panel functionality is lost using FP, we have some very good html editors and a tutorial for download. (recommended)

Detailed Web Statistics
Each morning you'll have access to an 8 page detailed analysis of your web site's visitors.

Access to raw logs
If you prefer to use your own statistic analysis program, access to your raw logs is very important.

Anonymous FTP
Anonymous FTP allows visitors to your site to download files via ftp without a password. It is disabled by default, and you activate it through your control panel.

Mailing Lists
Mailing lists allow you to send email to a large number of contacts in a very efficient manner. You can manage the mailing list through the control panel.

Password Protected Pages
You can use the control panel to specify which users are allowed to access certain pages on your site. When visitors click on a certain URL, they are requested to enter a username and password which you manage through the control panel.

Form to Email
Our special form to email program takes the contents of a form submission and emails you the results to the address you specify.

Form to PGPmail
This utility is very similar to Form to Email, except it uses your PGP key to encrypt the message before sending it to you. Your PGP key is installed with the control panel.

Search Engine
In the control panel you can specify which directories you want searchable by our high powered WebGlimpse index and search utility. You can then provide users with lightning fast content.

Page Access Counters
Our very slick looking access counters can be installed on as many pages as you choose at no extra charge.

Your own CGI-BIN
We use cgi extensively and encourage development of highly interactive, successful sites. For your site to be truly interactive you need to be able to run computer programs in your own cgi-bin, standard with all packages.

Perl, C, SH, Java, Python
We have enjoyed being the clear choice for computer programmers building web sites. For this reason, we always give programmers the most recent versions of the hottest programs needed to build their web applications.

PHP 4.0
Not only do we provide you with PHP support, but some of our design projects are in PHP. PHP is compiled as a module with MySQL, gdbm, and gd support.

SSL Server / Secure Certificates
In order to perform secure transactions on the web using https://yourdomain.com you need a hosting company that will support ssl. We use Apache-SSL on all of our servers. In order for SSL to function for your domain, you must acquire a secure certificate from Thawte or Verisign. You can generate the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and install the certificate with the Control Panel.
We provide the free use of our own secure certificate, see the "Technical/Support" icon in Hosting Admin.

Shopping Cart Program
A choice of 2 shopping carts at the click of a button.

MySQL database support
MySQL is our GNU database of choice. We encourage all MS Access, mSQL and postgresQL users to migrate to MySQL.

gdbm support
gdbm is a simple light standard Unix database which we support.

Email Support
If you need personal attention from a trained programmer, email support is available. We encourage all users to consult the online manual as a primary means of support through the control panel.

State of the Art NOC
At World Wide Web Hosts Net we realize that down time is not an option for your server. We have invested heavily in hardware and facilities to ensure that your site will remain up and running on the web 24 hours a day, seven days a week. World Wide Web Hosts Net's web servers are custom-built industrial grade machines designed for a 24/7 web serving environment. Our Network Operations Center (NOC) is equipped with raised flooring, fire prevention, standby machines, industry-leading Liebert uninterruptable power supplies (UPS) and a temperature-controlled environment, all located in a secure, monitored facility.

Daily Backup
Your account is backed up daily to assure your data is restored quickly in the event of a drive failure.

24/7 Monitoring
Your server is monitored internally and externally on all the standard ports. If the monitor cannot restart a failed port, a technician is notified and attends to the problem immediately.

Processor Type
We always use the latest Intel processors in every machine. As a large ISP, we keep up with the latest technology to enable us to make decisions that will best suit our Clients needs.

Standby Server
A hallmark of our service and one of the reasons for our fantastic uptime is our policy of having servers on standby. In the event of a server failure, there are always additional servers on standby. We swap the drive of the failed server to a new one, and do the diagnosis on the failed machine later.

Redundant Power Backup
Two 50 kilowatt 480Volt Liebert UPS's supply conditioned power to our main PDU (power distribution unit), which continually balances and monitors every aspect of the power supplied to the NOC, leaving little doubt we could ever be down due to a  power failure.

Macromedia Shockwave allows you to bring your web content to life. Shockwave support allows your site to host Shockwave content.

Midi Files
Midi is a great way to add sound to a web site without using lots of bandwidth. All the popular MIDI mime types are supported on our domain.

Real Audio
We do not have a real audio/video server. However, we do support real audio/video streaming for no extra charge.

When Real Audio/Video first came out, it required an audio/video server to be installed on the web server. This was because Real Audio/Video wanted to charge for each "stream" or visitor. But soon people started writing competitive audio/video streaming technology that didn't require a special server. So, to compete, Real Audio/Video now does not require a server, and you can even use their free tools to create streaming audio over the Internet.

Real Video
We support Video streaming with the Real Video Mime type as explained above.

MIME Type Manager
The ability to manage mime types gives you full control of which software programs will work with your site. Mime types are managed through the control panel.

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